New Datalogic Memor™ Configuration CheckList

  • Go to the control panel:
    • Regional Settings: Click on the “Customize…” button on the region tab.
      • Set time format to: h:mm:ss tt
      • Set date format to: MM/dd/yyyy
    • Date/Time
      • Set the Time Zone
      • Daylight savings (check if applicable)
        The time should match the PC when the device is connected.  If not, the device and sync. software are not configured properly.
    • Decoding
      • Go to Configure > Reader Parameters > Code 39 (X3 model it is named as Code 39 Family)
        • Set Redundancy to 7.
        • MinLength (X3 model it is named as Set L1 Length) to 2.
      • Go to Configure > Reader Parameters > Text Formatting > Postamble
        • Highlight the row then select parameter > edit
        • Tap the [-] button twice to remove both [CR] & [LF] > Tap OK
        • The setting should be [ ] now.
      • Go to Configure > Scan Parameters [PXA310 Only]
        • GoodReadSound = Beep.wav
      • Tap the File menu and then Tap Save.  Tap OK to the confirmation.
    • Display
      • Backlight Tab: Change the setting to turn off  backlight to 1 minute.  Otherwise, the screen dims in a very short period of time.
    • System
      • Memory Tab: Allocate more “Program Memory” than “Storage Memory”.
        • Less Storage Memory (~19,000 KB).
        • More Program Memory (~70,000 KB).
        • NOTE: if you do a Cold Boot these values will reset to the original values and they will have to be reset.  Saving the session does not save these settings.
      • Device Name: The device name will appear on the main screen of the collection program.  Set a device name (without spaces).  For example: BSC-1 or BSC-2 (if multiple scanners are involved).
    • Files Admin to install programs.
      • NetTrax Collection
        • Safe Setup
          • Copy the CAB device install file or cancel out of the file search and run the desktop installer.
          • If you are using the CAB, make sure to select the Storage Card as the installation target.
          • If you are using the Desktop Installer a dialog will appear “Close this screen when done installing”.
      • Remote Display Control for Windows CE (Source)(Download)
        • Safe Setup
          • Cancel out of the file search to run the desktop installer.
          • Connect the device to your computer (desktop) and have it sync.
          • On the computer (desktop), run RemoteDSP.exe
          • When prompted, select the storage card as the install location.
          • It will install CERDisp on the computer (desktop) and onto the device.
          • After running the Desktop Installer a dialog will appear “Close this screen when done installing”.
    • DataLogic Desktop Utility
      • Admin Tab: Enable Datalogic Desktop.
      • NetTrax Collection – AppSelect Tab: Enable Application Selector.
        • Click New
          • Set the Application Title: <Client Short Name> NetTrax Collection or just NetTrax Collection.
          • Set the Executable: Storage Card\NetTrax Collection\NetTrax.DLWinCe5.exe (X3 model: Storage Card\NetTrax Collection\NetTrax.DLWinCe6.exe)
          • Set the Icon File (found in the resources folder in Storage Card\NetTrax Collection\resources)
          • Check “Run Application at Startup” with no delay.
      • Remote Display Control – AppSelect Tab: Enable Application Selector.
        • Click New
          • Set the Application Title: Remote Display Control.
          • Set the Executable: Storage Card\Microsoft Remote Display Control\cerdisp.exe
          • Do Not check “Run Application at Startup” as clients will only use this for troubleshooting we don’t need it running all the time.
  • NetTrax Collection
    • Utility > Settings > Sound (X3 model and WinCE 6.0 version does not have a Sound setting, default is WAV):
      • PXA255 = Frequency
      • PXA310 = WAV
    • File > Format > Set the value for the Template of the NetTrax application (Version 2, Version 3, or Version 4) the output format for each version is as follows:
      • Version 4 (Default): Barcode, Scan Date, Scan Time, User ID (optional)
      • Version 3: Barcode, Scan Date, Scan Time, Location Code, User ID
      • Version 2: Barcode, Scan Date, Scan Time
  • Go back to the Control Panel to save all the changes.
    • Registry Admin: Click “Save”.
    • Files Admin: Click “Save Session”.

By going through these steps, even if you COLD BOOT the device the collection application will not be removed.

  • Using the Remote Display Control
    • On the computer (desktop), run CERDisp.
    • On the device, run Remote Display Control, select Connect and enter the IP address or name of the computer (desktop).
    • Once connected, you will see the device screen on the computer (desktop) CERDisp window. You can use the keyboard and mouse to control the device.

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