Enhancement Tracking System (“ETS”) is our collaborative system to track enhancements, issues and basic project management. In order to gain access you will need to register.
How to Register
- Click on the “Register” link in the upper left hand corner of the page.
- Enter your new account information:
- Username: the user id you will use to login with.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Display Name (how you want your name displayed). We may add a suffix to denote the company you are with.
- Password (Password length minimum: 7)
- Confirm Password
- Email: the e-mail address to send notifications.
- Security Question: Question to ask yourself if you forget your password.
- Security Answer: The answer to your question.
- Enter the anti-spam code you see.
- Click Create User
- If the registration is successful you will see a completed message:
After clicking continue you will see a screen that reads “There are no projects for you to view.” The ETS administrator will receive an e-mail that you have registered and will activate you.
After the administrator assigns you to your project(s) you will receive an e-mail letting you know that you have been assigned.
How to Login
- Click on the “Login” link in the upper left hand corner of the page.
- Enter your Username and Password that you used when registering then click the “Log In” button.
The Home Tab
After a successful logon you will land on the “Home” tab that lists all the projects you are assigned to. The “Test ETS” project will be available to anyone to go in and play around and learn the system.