Import Field (Mapping) Maintenance

The import fields maintenance maps the data from the input import file to the target (destination) table’s column.  Here is a short explanation of the properties:

Template: the import (template) linked to link to the field.  By selecting the template the destination columns drop down list will be filled with the columns from the target (destination) table.

Field Tag Placeholder: the field tag used in XML and also be used as a placeholder in macros.  There should be no spaces in the tags.

Disabled (Inactive): when checked the field is not used in the import and is skipped.  By default this value is not checked and the import field is Enabled (Active).

Field Tab

·         Column Position: the order (position) the field is found in the import file.

·         Destination Column: the target column the import data will be written to.

·         Field Type: identifies the field as a specific field type that is used in the import processing.

o   Barcode: the field contains the barcode value.

o   Location Value: the field contains the location value used to transfer the data to.

o   Lookup Description: the field contains a lookup description.

o   Lookup Value: the field contains a lookup value (the code or id).

o   None: (Default) the field has no specific value type.

o   Tracking ID: the field contains the system unique identifier (GUID).

·         Fixed Width Start Position: if using a fixed width import file, specifies where the data’s start position is for this field.

·         Fixed Width Length: if using a fixed width import file, specified the data’s length.

Data / Format Tab

·         Static / Default Value: a constant (forced) value for the field.

·         Assign Value: list of value types to generate for the field:

o   Barcode: generates the next barcode sequence.

o   Current Date Time: uses the server’s current date and time.

o   None: does not generate a value for the field.

o   Tracking ID: generates a GUID.

o   User ID: the user id of the importer.

·         Allow data to be truncated (trim to size): allows the data to be cut to fit the field size if the data is larger than expected.  Otherwise, if the database cannot store the value and error will be returned for the field and the data will not be stored in the destination column.

·         Remove All Spaces: removes any spaces in the import data.

·         Update Option: if updating is turned on, how to handle the existing value.

o   Do Not Update (data is not changed, this is the default).

o   Overwrite: update the existing value.

o   Update If Different: update if the value has changed.

o   Update If Null: update only if the existing value is empty (NULL).

o   Update if Null or Different: update if the existing value is empty (NULL) or has changed.

·         Prefix Character: the prefix character to use.

·         Prefix Length: the total length of the value (including prefix).


·         Priority: sets the order in which the macro’s are executed.  This should be used when you need specific macros to run before others.  Default is 0.

·         Format: a macro to format a value.  The macro should always return a single value.  The macro can be used to concatenate or grab values from other fields within the same import row.  The format macro runs after the initial read is done.  The entire row is available to the macro.

·         Field: a macro that runs after the insert or update are executed.

·         Conditional: based on an operator and value will determine if the macro is executed.

o   Operator: this is the operator (=, >=, <>, <=)

o   Criteria/Value: the value to compare against to determine if the macro should run.