Import (Templates) Maintenance Explained

The import (template) maintenance screen is used to configure the import.  Here is a short description of each of the properties used:

Description: describes the import template and is the displayed text in the imports drop down list.

Input Tab

·         Input Type: the type (format) of the file to be imported.

·         Has Header Row:  if the first row of the input file contains the column headers.  The header row containing the column names would be used as a key when only referencing the field can only be done by the column name and not by position.

·         Source Table / Sheet Name: when using an Excel file (input type) input the Sheet Name on the Excel tab for import.

Target Tab

·         Target Table: the table to import the data into.  The destination table will be used in mapping the import data to the destination column in the fields maintenance.

·         Barcode Rule: the barcode rule that represents the import data.  The barcode rule is used in transferring the import data if transferring is enabled.

·         Unique Column Name(s): the column(s) used to determine if the imported data exists in the target (destination) table.

·         Unique Filter: a where clause used to filter uniqueness when the imported data does not contain a unique value (usually when the unique column name is not the barcode column).

Start Macro: SQL code that executes before the import is started.

New Data (Insert)

·         Create (Insert) if data does not exist. : if the search by unique column names does not find a match then insert the data.

·         Batch Label : create a label queue entry when inserting data.

·         Execute Transfer: transfer the inserted data (when importing in a tracking table).

·         Location Code: the default location code used in transferring for newly inserted data.  If there is a field with the field type of “Location Value” then the value from the field will be used.  If the field location value is not set or there is no field type of “Location Value” then this default location is used.

·         Audit Metric : the audit metric assigned to the transfer.

·         Insert Macro (Executed after creation / transfer): Macro executed after a record has been created (and if transferring after the record has been transferred).

Existing Data (Update)

·         Modify (Update) existing data.: if the search by unique column names finds a match then update the existing data.

·         Execute Transfer: transfer the updated data/record (when importing in a tracking table).

·         Location Code: the default location code used in transferring for the updated data/record.  If there is a field with the field type of “Location Value” then the value from the field will be used.  If the field location value is not set or there is no field type of “Location Value” then this default location is used.

·         Audit Metric : the audit metric assigned to the transfer.

·         Update Macro (Executed after update): Macro that runs after the data is updated.

Completed Macro: macro that runs once when the import is completed.